This will be a brief overview of the solar system, Trinnus, the place in which the first story of the "Venture" series will take place.
Trinnus (the ancient Jincari word for "Domain" or "Home") is a large solar system mainly comprised of garden worlds and super-Earths. It is the home solar system of all of its known inhabitants, including the Jincar. The largest planet in the system is Ghasha, a super-Earth, whereas the smallest is Aldi, a dwarf planet orbiting closest to the star. Comparatively speaking, the star is several million years older than Sol, but not much greater in size. It also has a significantly larger "habitable zone" than that of the human solar system. No known race in the solar system is understood to have yet achieved interstellar travel.
Known native intelligent races inhabiting Trinnus are as follows:
- Jincar
- Ca
- Bamori
- Avaari
- Kalu
- Gharr
- Vard (extinct)
Impact Event
A collision of the close-orbiting planets Ghasha and Kaluva has been recently detected by both Kalu and Jincari scientists. The result will be the near-immediate destruction of both planets (and possibly their neighbors) followed by many years of dangerous meteor showers on other inhabited planets. Any large amount of iron from either planet's core coming into contact with the star will also cause severe damage to the star's lifespan. The Jincar and Bamori have been working on large ships capable of interstellar travel to transport most of the solar system's population to another solar system. However, supplies for ship parts are beginning to run scarce on Ghasha, and due to the war between the Jincar and Kalu, most Kalu nations have stopped sending supplies to the construction effort for various reasons. Unless the conflict is soon resolved, the impact event will result in the deaths of many, or perhaps all life in Trinnus. Rumours have been spread that the Avaari are currently working on similar ships to spare themselves and others from the event, but Avaari officials will neither confirm nor deny such rumours.
Other Notes (may be subject to expansion):
- The estimated population of intelligent life in the solar system is about 3.5 trillion.
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