Friday, 29 March 2013

Character Summary: The Vard

The Vard are a race from my "Colliding Worlds" (Title will very probably be subject to change) story universe. This is a general history of the race.

Generic Overview
Before the mass extermination of the Vard from the galaxy, the Vard were a proud, brutish, and cruel race. They created the City of Gold many years ago, a city from which the Vardic leaders would rule with an iron fist. The Vard have always been a violent race, and their bodies have evolved and adapted to their violent and ancient history. The Vard are believed to have evolved from a cunning species of amphibian. Their  bodies and eyes give off a bio-luminescent glow well suited for vision in low-light environments. Their teeth are long and jagged, as are the claws on their hands and feet. Virtually everything about them, both male and female, was adapted for one purpose: to dominate their foes. Discerning gender among Vard is quite simple; Vard females have long, spiny tails, while males possess no tail. The evolutionary reason for this dissimilarity is unknown, though it does give Vardic females a distinct advantage during traditional duels for power and status, thus, most great Vard warlords were female.

Species Origin
The amphibians the Vard are believed to have evolved from show interesting characteristics, some of which the most recent living Vard maintained. These amphibians, known as Zzglock (named after legendary Vardic Warlord Zzglock'a), had a similar head and spinal structure to the Vard, though they walked on all fours, unlike their more advanced evolutionary successors. The Zzglock were mainly aquatic, native to Ghasha (now known as Silonis under Jincari regime), the planet in which the City of Gold was built. What made the Zzglock so sophisticated compared to other primordial species was their ability to rapidly adapt to a vast range of living conditions. Jincari storytellers tell of Vardic warlords who were capable of similar feats, being capable of adapting to the environment before your very eyes. Though this is most often seen as merely an embellishment for their tales, Jincari biologists speculated that  roughly 30% of Vard still possess the "rapid evolution" gene, allowing the Vard to settle and even thrive on foreign planets that would be otherwise inhospitable.

The Vard by nature enjoyed violence, and had built up a sophisticated hierarchical rule based on this. The Vard did not see any purpose for laws, and thus none were ever strictly enforced. Most of their society would abide the will emperor/empress/warlord out of fear of being destroyed. The emperor is in charge during times of "peace" (the term is used loosely in this context, as Vardic culture was seldom peaceful), and the Warlord is in charge during times of war. Initially, both roles are fulfilled by the most senior and wealthy Vard. This rule is only broken when A'zzshali ga'ghash (Literally translated from Vardic to "the weak shall die") is invoked. This was an ancient and often very gruesome duel to the death between the current leader and one challenger. This rite was seen as glorious for both the winner and the loser, for both dying in battle and culling the weak was considered honourable. As for currency and ownership of property, currency was used, though it was seen as a cowardly means to acquire your desires, the more favourable option being to simply take the object of your desire by force. Many of the physically weaker Vard would become very rich and purchase their societal status through deception and subtlety. These Vard were not very well respected among their fellows, often referred to by the derogatory term, a'mhalsz'a, or "one that purchases his honour".

Selective Breeding
Vardic females would only mate with the strongest of males. It is believed that the Vard do not have any emotions relating to "love" or "affection", and, if any exist, they are only based around physical prowess. This form of selective breeding has further increased the Vardic race's physical competence over the generations. The strong thrived, and the weak would be eventually rooted out.

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