Thursday, 4 April 2013

Character Summary - Jincar

Yet another one of the many races from the "Venture" series. This is a general overview of the race.

Physical Characteristics
Jincari people are normally tall, with long, pointed ears and pale skin. Though the most common Jincar iris colour is a luminescent bright yellow, there are some who are born with blue, red or black irises (a result of interbreeding and/or gene splicing). Natural hair colours for Jincar include blond and white. Internal body temperature is significantly lower than that of humans (29 degrees Celsius whereas a human's CBT is 37 degrees Celsius).  Not much else differs from human physiology.

The Jincar are a typically proud race, with a humble origin. When they evolved from their primate forefathers on Ghasha the Jincar lived in close knit tribes. One could note that a significant factor in the development of the Jincar as a species was the Vard. When the Jincar were taking their first baby steps after becoming a sentient race, the Vard were already a powerful, space-travelling one. Before their sentience, the Vard would hunt the Jincar for their meat and for trophies. For millions of years, the Jincar lived in the colossal shadow of the Vard. The tribes quickly learned that the Vard were extremely dangerous and any attempted interactions with them was terminated. The tribes would live nomadically for hundreds of years in the densely forested outskirts of Vardic cities. To the Vard, the primitive Jincari tribes were nothing more than a vermin to be exterminated, and thus, the Vardic profession, lek'aam'ak (roughly translated to "pest control") was born. The lek'aam'ak would enter the forested areas tribes would commonly wander, using advanced weapons and tactics to trap and wipe out the Jincar that were deemed too close to city perimeters. What few tribes that survived migrated to the cold, desolate, and unforgiving northern and southern regions of the planet. Life here was rough and merciless, and many more Jincar would die to the elements. Over many generations, the Jincar became a cunning, hardy race, shaped by the harsh landscape in which they lived. They rapidly advanced technologically by stealing and studying the technology of the remote and often unguarded Vardic research outposts in the the northern and southern poles of the planet. The Vard eventually retaliated, but the Vard, despite advanced weapons and equipment, proved no match for the combined force of the Jincar tribes and a brutal ice storm that swept through around the time the Vard arrived in Jincari lands. The Jincar would continue to live freely and advance as a civilization for 109 more years until the Vard arrived again with an overwhelming force, killing thousands and enslaving the survivors. The Jincar were the first known "slave race" to the Vard.

Eradication of the Vard
After the liberation of the City of Gold, news of the uprising spread quickly among those still enslaved. The Vard were forced off their home planet, though they swore this was only a temporary setback. A few Vardic forces attempted to reclaim their city over the next years with no success. This proved to the other slave races that their Vardic masters could be defied. More uprisings formed on the Kalu and Bamori homeworlds, and, though they weren't as successful as the uprising on Ghasha, the two slave races both managed to reclaim a small portion of their homeworlds. Back on the world of Ghasha, the Jincar's hardiness remained tested for centuries by a seemingly endless amount of Vardic forces. Nearly every Jincar above 13 years of age in the City of Gold had combat experience. This continued until the current emperor of the Jincar's predecessor, Mallian Vos, united the slave races and fought a long, bloody war against the Vard, eventually eliminating their presence entirely from the solar system. Mallian continued his rule until dying of natural causes twelve years after the war. He was succeeded by his son, Mallian Vos II, who also fought in the last years of the war.

Jincari "Elusiveness"
The City of Gold's construction was the result of slave labour from many different races, but only the Jincar rule the city. Many races, primarily the Ca, Jincar, and Kalu, have ancestors who died in the production of the city. Though the liberation of the city was approximately 80% a Jincari one, much controversy has been raised over the years regarding this issue. In year 11302 (Jincari calendar, about nine years after the war with the Vard), a meeting was called between the  leaders of each civilization in the solar system to address the issue. The Kalu, having been responsible for the entire construction of the majority of the portions of the city, demanded at least 50% ownership of the city. The other races would be given specific districts which their races were responsible for creating to live in. The A.I acting as arbiter for the meeting (a Jincar-made A.I designed to be completely neutral, and make decisions based on facts given) ultimately decided that the Jincar would remain in complete ownership of the city, but that embassies would be given to each race in the City of Gold. The A.I was quickly accused of being rigged in the Jincar's favour, but was stolen and destroyed by Kalu extremists before a proper investigation of the A.I's coding could be made. Tensions between the Jincar and most other races, especially their close planetary neighbors, the Kalu, continued to rise for two years more. Things finally came to a head when a Kalu embassy worker planted bombs in several districts of the city. The bombs were intended to cause more destruction than deaths, being placed in remotely populated but valuable parts of the city. The embassy worker was caught planting a bomb in the basement of the Golden Palace, and was summarily executed. Days later, another Kalu embassy worker started a violent riot with the help of several workers from other embassies, beating a Jincar official to death in the process. Those responsible for the riot were tried and publicly executed the next day, followed by Mallian II's public announcement of the expulsion of all foreign races from the City of Gold (Though technically Mallian I was still emperor at this time, the decision was made by his son after Mallian I entered a coma several weeks earlier). Since then, nobody without Jincari blood has been allowed into the city, save for civilization leaders on official business. Due to their poor reputation, Jincar refrain from living outside of their homeworld of Ghasha.

Expedition to Kaluva
In recent years, the Kalu have become increasingly hostile towards the Jincar. An expeditionary force has been sent to the Kalu homeworld of Kaluva in an attempt to improve relations, lead by Mallian II's third son, Jessan Vos. Though mainly a diplomatic mission, the expeditionary force also seeks to eliminate the presence and influence of the numerous Kaluvian extremist groups on the planet. These extremist groups are often aggressive and irrational, leading most attempts to deal with them to be violent ones.